All text and links have been carefully checked and are continually updated. We make every effort to ensure that all of the information provided on this website is accurate and complete, but we assume no responsibility, guarantee, or liability whatsoever for the accuracy, completeness, or up-to-dateness of the information provided on this website.

We retain the right to change the information on this website at any time and without advance notice, and we do not place ourselves under any obligation to update the information on this website. All links to third-party websites were checked for accuracy at the time of their creation, but we bear no liability for the content and availability of websites reached from here via hyperlink. For any illegal, erroneous, or incomplete information, and in particular any harm caused by the content of sites linked to from here, the provider of the website to which the link was made bears sole liability. It does not matter if said harm was of a direct, indirect, or financial nature, or whether there is any other form of harm that might occur due to loss of data, loss of use, or other reasons of any kind.


Contact us for more information about the Fanpictor Platform.

+41 44 500 22 27
+1 917 595 9413

Bahnhofstrasse 128
9244 Niederuzwil

405 Lexington Avenue
New York City, NY 10174


* Mandatory Fields